Managing The Anxieties & Stresses Of Dealing With Your Finances
There are many people who get stressed out in managing their money and their finances. In some months, your savings are doing good and the next month you may be losing money. I sometimes find it...
View ArticlePrayer Can Be Very Effective In Managing Your Persistent Fears
As a author of a managing fear book, I have found that prayer can be very effective in managing your fears and anxieties. There are countless numbers of people who have experienced the power of prayer....
View ArticleDeveloping Goals Can Be Effective In Managing Your Fears
We all have to deal with fear and anxiety in our life. Our fears and anxieties can reduce our self-confidence and help prevent us from getting what we want. One of the ways I find that is very helpful...
View ArticleEducation Is The Key To Overcoming Your Mental Health Issues
You are just diagnosed with a mental health condition such as depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, addiction, OCD, or some other mental health disorder. The first thing you need to do is to...
View ArticleHow To Manage The Anxieties Of Finding A Home
My brother looked for a home last year and there were times he got stressed. Here is a list of ways I came up with that a person can use to manage the anxiety of purchasing a home. The first step that...
View ArticleDo Not Be Afraid To Fail
Some people have a difficult time in dealing with rejection. The key is to know how know how to get past the rejection. Here are some suggestions I use in my own life to manage the fear of rejection....
View ArticleSuicide Is Not The Answer
We constantly hear in the news that somebody took their own life. There are many different situations that get people to end their life. As a published author of a managing fear book and as a Layman,...
View Article5 Tips For Supporting A Loved One Through Illness
I was listening to a conversation at work where a coworker mentioned that he was having a hard time taking care of his mother who had the beginning stages of dementia. The person was very upset and did...
View ArticleHow I Reduced My Anxieties Of Traveling To A New Place
This summer, I went to the beach for my vacation. I found that getting everything ready and getting to the beach can cause a lot of stress. As a result, here is a list of ideas I came up to reduce the...
View ArticleRecreational Activities Can Help To Reduce Your Fears
When I went to Penn State, I dealt with stress and anxiety on a regular basis. One of the most effective ways I did to get rid of my stresses was to exercise and do social ativities with my friends....
View ArticleHow To Overcome The Fear Of Death
Why are so many people afraid of death? Many people are afraid because they do not understand what death is and not knowing what will happen to them scares a lot of people. Understanding what death is...
View ArticleHow To Reduce Your Grief By Fifty Percent
Many people who lose a love one or a beloved pet have a difficult time getting over their grief. The sense of loss can be great. As an author of a managing fear book, I found that many people view...
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